Greg Frampton’s platform and goals as Mayor:

As Mayor - I promise to try to make your life better.

Let’s go back to the old normal.

The work of council and including budgets and spending will be as transparent as possible.

-Lower taxes - I hope to reduce property taxes by 6 to 14%

- Remove Carbon/Climate tax, USA, China, India, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, etc. also do not have carbon/climate taxes - yet in HRM you pay Climate Tax

I want to go through the budget and remove wasteful spending while maintaining services.

HRM funds (ie. your taxes) only to be spent on municipal services or the betterment of the

community and nothing else.

Halt the attack on single family homes by Liberal’s Housing Accelerator fund and the outgoing HRM Council - see below

-Bikes lanes not to displace car lanes - remove bike lanes as needed. I am not opposed to new Bus and Bike lanes but not just to reduce flow of traffic as they have been installed for that purpose - they are designed to frustrate you into not using your car! HRM Council and the Planning Dept intentionally make it hard for you to drive to work - I want to end this so that your morning commute is as quick as possible. Traffic has become a nightmare in HRM and want to fix it!

-Potholes on streets to be repaired within 72 hours upon reporting by citizens.

-Free Bridge to cross the Harbour - remove tolls

-Rescind HalifACT 2050 – Climate Action Plan by-law which does not allow you to burn wood, or buy a new gasoline/diesel car or truck in HRM by 2030 as well all other unknown by-laws to restrict your rights or other plans to accomplish this. Ie. Raise taxes, restrict gas stations, mandate who you employ etc. So if you burn wood for heat or enjoy a backyard fire - they already passed a law that you can’t do that in HRM in 2030. Also you will not be buying a new car or truck in HRM by 2030 either, unless it’s all electric! That’s the LAW. I want to strike this law DOWN with your help! Keep in mind, a few years after they get rid of Gas powered cars, they will also get rid of Electric Cars. The Trudeau Government announced a mandate, requiring 100% of car and passenger truck sales be zero-emission by 2035

-More single family homes - so that citizens can enjoy home ownership and build equity - the current council wants citizens to be perpetual renters and deny home ownership. 

-No road cameras -  This is surveillance

-Restore on street parking where removed

-Free Bus passes to home owner tax payers to the amount they are funding bus services on their tax bill

-Change Planning where it has been designed to remove/impede use of cars ie. Cogswell interchange - it’s going to be very hard to get to work in the morning if you work downtown.

-Reverse Great Reset Ghettoization of HRM - End/reverse agreements or by-laws that restrict personal and property rights and changes zoning to turn HRM into a Great Reset high density future ghetto. All these new buildings you see going up are not ‘affordable’ housing. They are creating generations of renters.

-no pallet shack housing developments - surely there are better ways - even the cost and design makes little sense. There needs to be expiry dates placed on these pallet shelter developments. How were building permits issued - if any? This appears to be another failure of Council. This problem is a direct result of the actions of the Federal Government by allowing far too much immigration than our provincies and cities can handle. This is a nationwide problem. It is ridiculous that people have to live in tents due to the Trudeau Government’s actions and then have to listen to politicians blame the Provincial Government for it.

Also, years ago there were many rooming houses in Halifax, it did provide stable housing for that aspect of the market. Eventually they were ended by change in policies by the city and the Community Services. It was a mistake to end this part of the housing market. In the past rent could be paid directly from Community Services to the landlord, but politics of the day put an end to that.

Link - Pallet shacks integration into the community:

-no 15 minute city or other Paris Accord plans - no future travel restrictions on citizens. Get ready for your 15 minute city being planned for Halifax. I will oppose it. More here - video link

Edmonton implements 15 minute city to reach their climate goals. All your needs will be met with 15 minutes of your home -

-No behavior modification  -  The most familiar example of this is the Federal Carbon tax on fuel for your car. When you fill up at the gas pump you find it’s expensive and have a negative reaction and they hope perhaps you will consider altering your driving habits or take the bus - then later the Government will deposit a carbon rebate to your bank account. HRM council is also using this practice - they remove busy traffic lanes for infrequently used bike and bus lanes, remove on street parking, increase parking fees, add more no-turning signs, traffic calming, close streets, etc. The result is that you will be stuck in a traffic jam, it will take longer to get to work - they want this - they want to intentionally frustrate you from using a car - so that you will consider taking the bus. Just think, they make you sit in traffic jams, make your drive longer, more time away from home, burn more gas. I am not sure about you, but I find such actions by Government as reprehensible and not democratic yet it is a key part of the Paris Accord - Great Reset. They also do this with meat, air travel, etc. So my fellow citizens, HRM Council has made you like Pavlov’s dogs or lab rats undergoing experimental Classical conditioning.

“Research in health and environmental psychology suggest that behavior-change occurs in a series of stages. A recent review (Keller et al., 2019) provides insights on ways to stimulate movement through these behavioral stages. Experimental studies have successfully used phone-based conversation (Bamberg, 2013) or a mobile app (Sunio et al., 2018) to help participants reduce car use, and videos and textual information to help them limit beef consumption to weekly recommendations (Klöckner & Ofstad, 2017). Researchers followed participants over a period of 4 to 8 weeks and found that, as participants progressed along the stages, they enacted the desired behaviors more frequently.”

“The carbon tax, came into effect at $20 per tonne in 2019. It has steadily climbed in the years since and is scheduled to rise from $65 per tonne to $80 on April 1.It is scheduled to go up another $15 each year until 2030, when it reaches $170 a tonne. The gradual increases are meant to act as a financial incentive for people and businesses to change their behaviour to burn less fossil fuels and transition to greener forms of energy.,to%20greener%20forms%20of%20energy.

-No future lock downs 

-Paper ballot - in person elections

-No one will come to your house and demand expensive efficiency upgrades. The municipality will not become a lien holder on your home or business for efficiency upgrades. Inspector/Monitors are planned to come and inspect your property to ensure compliance.

From Halifact2050

“70% of community-wide emissions come from existing commercial and residential buildings. This presents a significant opportunity for deep carbon reduction through building retrofits. As such, the Municipality must develop a deep energy retrofit program to achieve a 50% reduction overall energy demand from existing buildings by 2040

-no Surtax on homes over $1 million in value

-work towards making Water Commission as a part of HRM Government - currently there is little oversight

-ensure municipal services such as police and fire services are properly staffed, funded, and maintained

-Expand Bus services where needed in suburban sub divisions, more sidewalks, paved shoulders and sidewalks are needed for safety in rural areas. Ferry Services to be staffed.

-Protests will not be allowed to restrict travel of others

-No funding of business interests with HRM monies ie. No taxpayer funding for Stadium schemes

-No construction on commons

-I will never agree to municipal based income tax schemes or other schemes to reduce your personal or property rights, or limit water usage without good reason. Now they are pushing Municipal Income Tax. You read that right. They want HRM to charge you income tax! They even want people running for council to pledge to make this Law. Ask my opponents if they will make this pledge. I pledge NEVER to have it! Oddly you never hear them speak of reducing spending - only taxing more - as that fits their objective.

Look how the media promotes Municipal Income tax :

-no to principal home equity surtax on homes

Greg says:

Paying more tax and carbon tax, eating less beef to reduce bovine flatulence, being trapped in traffic jams and turning Halifax into a Great Reset Ghetto is not going to reduce earths temperatures.

Even if you believe in the carbon tax, it makes no sense to implement it here in Canada when our main trading partner USA does not have it. China, India, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, etc. also do not have carbon/climate taxes - yet in HRM you pay Climate Tax.

Given that their Paris Accord plan’s performance will only be measured for success hundreds of years from now, it suits them, as there is no accountability for their actions during your lifetime - these policies are just to control you.

For many years now I have been interested in Great Reset/Agenda 21 - however you wish to call it - as I became aware of it 30 years ago through my work with property rights. I was shocked to see it put into law by HRM Council in 2020 with the Halifact law (passed unanimously by council). It’s important that citizens are made aware of these policies. Very few citizens know what’s in store for them and the politicians and urban (central) planners won’t tell you what’s coming next. Let’s get back to the old normal. We can do it together!

- HRM Council Leadership has failed on many fronts. With respect to Policing - we are now higher then the national Violent Crime Severity index. Crime Severity Index saw an annual increase of 8.4 per cent in 2022 to 72.2. Violent Crime Severity Index rose by 4.8 per cent to 104.2 in 2022 and is higher than the national Violent Crime Severity Index of 97.74,

Average Pavement Quality Index was measured at 66.9 in 2022, down from 69.1 in 2020 - roads are worse.

- Also: 3.6 per cent decrease of the annual change in purchasing power, average shelter cost has increased by 12 per cent, average owner with mortgage shelter cost by 10 per cent, and average renter shelter cost by 20 per cent,

Note on Climate Change - Paris Accord - Great Reset

In 2015, the Trudeau Government signed on to the Paris Accord Treaty making you treaty bound to ‘limit/lower earth’s temperatures’ without your agreement, input, or vote, and is implementing this plan in a clandestine manner commonly known as the Great Reset.

As well this is the law in Canada under the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act which states

 Whereas the science clearly shows that human activities are driving unprecedented changes in the Earth’s climate;

Whereas climate change poses significant risks to human health and security, to the environment, including biodiversity, and to economic growth; Whereas, Canada has ratified the Paris Agreement, done in Paris on December 12, 2015, which entered into force in 2016, and under that Agreement has committed to set and communicate ambitious national objectives and undertake ambitious national measures for climate change mitigation;

Whereas the Paris Agreement seeks to strengthen the global response to climate change and reaffirms the goal of limiting global temperature increase to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, while pursuing efforts to limit that increase to 1.5°C; Whereas, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (United Nations) concluded that achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 is key to keeping the rise in the global-mean temperature to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and minimizing climate-change related risks; Whereas the Government of Canada is committed to achieving and exceeding the target for 2030 set out in its nationally determined contribution communicated in accordance with the Paris Agreement;

Greg says:

There is no real way to accurately measure temperature changes on earth, there is no metric, no instrument reading for ‘climate change’. Also there is no definitive proof that man made activities have changed the climate. This is a political concept rather than a scientific one.  Given that their Paris Accord plan’s performance will only be measured for success hundreds of years from now it suits them as there is no accountability for their actions during your lifetime - these policies are just to control you.

The Federal Government and HRM is currently not governing for the betterment of the people or to better their lives; but rather is governing to accomplish the goals of this treaty of which you were not fully informed of and from the Trudeau Government’s perspective - it is lawful to do what they have been doing to reach their unattainable climate goals - but they have not explained the entirety of the actions they are taking to meet these goals.

Also keep in mind that the UN Paris Accord does not end at climate change, there are social and other economic changes planned.

How the actions of the Federal Policies make you consume less: 

The current instability our country is facing such as the high inflation, the housing crisis and high interest rates were intentionally created and planned so that they could offer their ‘solutions’. Some of the key functions of the federal and provincial governments is to maintain/keep records in order to make decisions on services and programs. Such data includes but not limited to the: economy, housing numbers, health data, population data and shifts, sales of goods/services.. This work is performed by economists, census takers, analysts, central bankers, CRA, HST, Assessment, housing sales data, etc. etc. Governments know the capacities within the economy.

Step 1.

Housing Crisis - excess immigration causes inflation and shortages of housing. Too many people chasing too few goods, housing, food distribution, schools in urban areas, medical, and other services. All this using more borrowed/created money to give to immigrants. One million extra people per year in Canada. This is like building two cities the size of Halifax each year, or adding the population of Nova Scotia to Canada each year.

Step 2.

Inflation - excess spending by the Trudeau Government which led to inflation

Step 3.

Then we all knew what would happen next - the Central Bank raises interest rates to ‘curb inflation’ to squeeze you more!!

The Effect - less buying power for you as you pay more interest - Now you consume less as things are less and less affordable!!

This was the plan so that Canadians would be forced to reduce consumption - thus ‘saving the planet’.

 From the Bank of Canada website:

An increase in the Bank’s policy interest rate reduces demand for goods and services. That decreases inflation by slowing how fast prices rise, but this takes time to happen, usually about 12 to 18 months.

This is disingenuous bullpucky from the Bank of Canada as demand for good and services cannot be reduced when the Federal Government continues to allow and fund 1 million extra people into Canada each year who are also seeking out the same goods and services and housing. As well, raising interest rates intentionally adds to unemployment as there is less investment which leads to fewer jobs and layoffs.

Much of the problems that Cities and Provinces face are the fault of the actions of the Federal Government, including lack of: doctors per capita, wait times for medical and other government services, lack of housing, inflated food prices, and product shortages.

Attack on Single Family Homes :

They call single family zoning - restrictive zoning or exclusionary zoning. Attacking single family homes and home ownership which is the key factor for economic security and wealth for Canadians. This is typically the main asset citizens have as they pay the mortgage off during their working lives. With the the current HRM council direction, citizens will become perpetual renters/serfs. Keep in mind, corporations will own all those apartment buildings - the government won’t own them, and they will not be affordable. I want more single family homes so that citizens can have a place of their own and build equity.

Let’s cancel Halifact2050 - they are coming for your houses and buildings:

“New residential floorspace (households/dwellings) is derived by allocating new dwellings based on the existing persons per unit. New dwellings by type are allocated to zones: - if zone already has dwellings, the existing dwelling type share is used for new builds - if zone does not have dwellings, existing dwelling type share from nearby zones is used for new builds - if population in a zone is projected to decrease, dwellings are removed - all greenfield New non-residential floorspace is derived by allocating new non-residential floorspace according to gross floor area per employee/job. New non-residential floorspace by type is allocated to zones - if zone already has employment, the existing employment sector shares are used along with gross floor area per employee - if zone does not have any employment, the employment shares from nearby zones are used along with gross floor area per employee - if employment in a zone decreases, non-residential buildings are removed - greenfield vs. infill designation is based on the zone. Zones classified as Suburban or Rural have greenfield development, zones classified as Urban, Intensive Employment, Institutional Employment, Downtown Core obtain infills or increased density.”

Read it here:

On the link below you can read how the Federal Housing Minister detailing that cities can only obtain funding if they ban Single family zoning.

Your city planning is not being done at the local level.

Future Haligonians will be rent payers with no equity and the remaining single family homeowners will taxed out of their homes. Here’s how….

HRM plans to spend $18 billion (2020 dollars - Halifact plan) or I should say, wants you to spend $18 billion on climate change initiatives, this is more than the entire long term debt of the Province of Nova Scotia. This will raise property taxes to an alarming rate as well as force homeowners to take on more loans to make their homes and businesses comply with new efficiency standards. HRM Council has asked the Province to enact higher building codes for Halifact, here is what you are facing with your existing housing stock. May 2024 from HRM.

“3. Avoided future costs: Enabling Halifax to mandate higher tiers (of buildings codes) minimizes the need to retrofit the new building stock. Buildings that are not designed at the outset to be high performance can expect to undergo more costly retrofits. These retrofits are likely to be disruptive, resulting in adverse economic impacts such as lost rent, or in the case of owner-operator buildings, displacement of staff.”

Citizens are unaware of this Paris Accord/Great Reset road map, and what it entails in the future and how it will affect their lives.

Authorized by the official agent Greg for Greg’s mayoral campaign email



Halifact 2050 -



I am accepting donations to the campaign to help with advertising costs to get the message out. 

If you like my platform please consider pledging any amount. I am funding this campaign on my own dime, so if you want to help and like my platform - please consider a donation.

Please email and include your name, address, and amount pledged.

About me:

Long term resident of HRM, A Reluctant Politician - no one else running represents my interests - perhaps yours either.

Education: Business Degree and technical diploma, 30 years of Business and Government experience: Accounting, Management, Property Assessment, Public Housing, Maintenance and Construction Management experience.